U.S. Supreme Court turns its back on gerrymandering! Again! In 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decided in North Carolina’s Rucho v. Common Cause that the Court would not consider whether Congressional electoral maps are partisan gerrymanders. They claimed the question beyond their reach, that federal courts can only weigh in IF such maps are… Continue reading U.S. Supreme Court turns its back on gerrymandering! Again!
Category: courts
Supreme Court(s) and disaster…democracy now purged from North Carolina
Supreme Court(s) and disaster…democracy now purged from North Carolina For more than 9 months, I’ve warned about the U.S. Supreme Court independent legislative theory case, Moore v. Harper. Contrived from thin air by GOP-controlled legislatures in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, the case posits that states should have unchecked power to manage federal elections by gerrymandering… Continue reading Supreme Court(s) and disaster…democracy now purged from North Carolina