If you’re wondering …

If you’re wondering … …what elections look like when democracy has been usurped and replaced by a dictatorship, you needn’t glance far beyond the boundaries of the United States. Venezuela—1360 miles southeast of Miami—held elections last month. How did those elections go? Check these bytes from NYT News Service: “The country’s authoritarian leader, Nicolas Maduro,… Continue reading If you’re wondering …

Categorized as election

U.S. Supreme Court turns its back on gerrymandering! Again!

U.S. Supreme Court turns its back on gerrymandering! Again! In 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decided in North Carolina’s Rucho v. Common Cause that the Court would not consider whether Congressional electoral maps are partisan gerrymanders. They claimed the question beyond their reach, that federal courts can only weigh in IF such maps are… Continue reading U.S. Supreme Court turns its back on gerrymandering! Again!

Categorized as courts

Surprise! Map litigation! A people’s ballot initiative? And, anti-democracy voices

Surprise! Map litigation! A people’s ballot initiative? And, anti-democracy voices As the new year marches in, democracy in our once proud state of North Carolina is on life support. Yes, some of us are still able to cast ballots, but elections for our 14 seats in the U.S. House and 170 seats in our General… Continue reading Surprise! Map litigation! A people’s ballot initiative? And, anti-democracy voices

Categorized as democracy

North Carolina legislature trips trapdoor – Democracy is throttled and left for dead

North Carolina legislature trips trapdoor – Democracy is throttled and left for dead Last week, I drove to Hickory, North Carolina to testify at yet another redistricting/map-making hearing. Yes, we’re at it again.   When the GOP won a 5-2 majority in the state supreme court in November, that body—in an unprecedented action—overturned late 2022… Continue reading North Carolina legislature trips trapdoor – Democracy is throttled and left for dead

Categorized as democracy

Democracy dodges knockout punch in Supreme Court’s Moore v Harper ruling

Democracy dodges knockout punch in Supreme Court’s Moore v Harper ruling The previous Flush GerryMander of May 12, 2023 led with this chilling observation:   “For more than 9 months, I’ve warned about the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) independent legislative theory case, Moore v. Harper. Contrived from thin air by GOP-controlled legislatures in North Carolina… Continue reading Democracy dodges knockout punch in Supreme Court’s Moore v Harper ruling

Supreme Court(s) and disaster…democracy now purged from North Carolina

Supreme Court(s) and disaster…democracy now purged from North Carolina For more than 9 months, I’ve warned about the U.S. Supreme Court independent legislative theory case, Moore v. Harper. Contrived from thin air by GOP-controlled legislatures in North Carolina and Pennsylvania, the case posits that states should have unchecked power to manage federal elections by gerrymandering… Continue reading Supreme Court(s) and disaster…democracy now purged from North Carolina

Categorized as courts

About those November North Carolina judicial elections…

About those November North Carolina judicial elections… …they didn’t go well. North Carolina’s majority legislative party swept all state-wide judicial races. They now effectively OWN our courts. (Of historical interest—after the Nazi rise to power in 1933, the German system of justice underwent “coordination”—effectively meaning alignment with Nazi goals.)   Running up to our November… Continue reading About those November North Carolina judicial elections…

Categorized as election

About those November 8 North Carolina elections…

About those November 8 North Carolina elections… …they didn’t go well. North Carolina’s majority legislative party swept all state-wide judicial races, and now effectively owns our courts. (Of historical interest, perhaps – after the Nazi rise to power in 1933, the German system of justice underwent “coordination” – effectively meaning alignment with Nazi goals.)  … Continue reading About those November 8 North Carolina elections…

Categorized as election

Will there be democracy in North Carolina on November 9?

Will there be democracy in North Carolina on November 9? Speaking on our embattled democracy this week, President Joe Biden began with the brutal attack on Paul Pelosi. To give that perspective, he spoke of The Big Lie – that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump. A lie that has since “fueled… Continue reading Will there be democracy in North Carolina on November 9?

Categorized as election